Quickly create a rails app with 2 working resources
I created this rails app in preparation to learn about resource associations. This was the basic app I created before I implemented anything complicated. It is a good demonstration of how to generate the rails app, the resources, and the tests. I also go through several steps to get the app ready to be tested using minitest and also how to lock down the app from a security perspective.
This is a simple rails app, with a pair of resources, Doctors and Patients.
Generate rails app
$ rails _3.2.16_ new DoctorPatientTracker --skip-test-unit
$ cd DoctorPatientTracker
Prepare for testing
Edit Gemfile for some useful debugging gems. Then run bundler
$ bundle
Secure your app
Tuck away RAILS_SECRET from /config/initializer/secret_token.rb to /config/application.yml and add /config/application.yml to .gitignore.
Implement some basics
Add a home page, /app/views/home/index.html.erb Add a home controller, /app/controllers/home_controller.rb Add a default route to /config/routes.rb root :to => ‘home#index’
You should now have a working rails app
Check in frequently
Check everything into git and git hub so yous have this default rails app set in stone.
Create 1st resource scaffold
Create the scaffold for the new resource, Doctor.
$ rails g scaffold Doctor name:string --no-test-framework --no-assets --no-stylesheets --no-scss
Migrate the DB for 1st resource
Migrate the database to pick up the changes.
$ rake db:migrate
Create tests for 1st resource
I know I should probably create all the tests first, but I feel so lost without the stuff there first, ya know.
Create the tests using generate, then completely replace what is in the files.
$ rails g mini_test:feature DoctorShowIndex
$ rails g mini_test:feature DoctorShow
$ rails g mini_test:feature DoctorCreate
$ rails g mini_test:feature DoctorUpdate
$ rails g mini_test:feature DoctorDelete
Add /test/ folder. Add /test/doctors/ folder. Move doctor tests. Then add fixture support to /test/test_helper.rb
Modify views for 1st resource
Add Doctor name to display on /doctors/new page
Edit all the 5 /views/doctors/*.html.erb to display the fields from the models.
Run the tests for 1st resource
Make sure all Doctor stuff works.
$ rake
Create 2nd resource scaffold
Time to implement Patients:
$ rails g scaffold Patient name:string --no-test-framework --no-assets --no-stylesheets --no-scss
Create tests for 2nd resource
Then create the Patient tests:
$ rails g mini_test:feature PatientShowIndex
$ rails g mini_test:feature PatientShow
$ rails g mini_test:feature PatientCreate
$ rails g mini_test:feature ItemUpdate
$ rails g mini_test:feature ItemDelete
Add /test/patients/ folder. Move patient tests.
Migrate DB for 2nd resource
Add Patients to the DB:
$ rake db:migrate
Modify views for 2nd resource
Add Patient name to display on /patients/new page
Edit all the 5 /views/patients/*.html.erb to display the fields from the models.
Run the tests for 2nd resource
Make sure all Patient stuff works.
$ rake
Final notes
You now have a working rails application with two resources, some minitests, a bit of security lockdown, and some useful views for the app.
Thank you for reading. I hope you found this useful.